Fashion Is Freedom: How a Girl from Tehran Broke the Rules to Change Her World

نویسنده : Tala Raassi

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قیمت 20,000 تومان آخرین به روز رسانی قیمت:1401/10/20

20,000 تومان

توضیحات کوتاه


The inspiring true story of how courage, a dream, and some needle and thread can change a life forever…

Since she was young, Tala Raassi knew her fate lay in fashion. But growing up in her beloved homeland of Iran, a woman can be punished for exposing her hair in public, let alone wearing the newest trends. Despite strict regulations, Tala developed a keen sense of style in backroom cafes and secret parties. She never imagined her behavior would land her in prison, or bring the cruel sting of a whip for the crime of wearing a mini-skirt.

Tala’s forty lashes didn’t keep her down ? they fanned the flames of individuality and inspired her to embrace a new freedom in the United States. As she developed her own clothing label, her exploration into the creative, cut throat community of Western fashion opened her eyes to the ups and downs of hard work, hard decisions, and hard truths.

Fashion is Freedom takes us on a journey that crosses the globe, from Colombia to Miss Universe, and inspires women everywhere to be fearless…

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برای ثبت نظر، از طریق دکمه افزودن دیدگاه جدید نمایید. اگر این محصول را قبلا خریده باشید، نظر شما به عنوان خریدار ثبت خواهد شد.

هیچ دیدگاهی برای این محصول نوشته نشده است.

دیگران را با نوشتن نظرات خود، برای انتخاب این محصول راهنمایی کنید.

اولین نفری باشید که دیدگاهی را ارسال می کنید برای “Fashion Is Freedom: How a Girl from Tehran Broke the Rules to Change Her World”

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قیمت 20,000 تومان آخرین به روز رسانی قیمت:1401/10/20

20,000 تومان

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