Fashion in the 1950s

نویسنده : Sophie Gachet

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قیمت 50,000 تومان آخرین به روز رسانی قیمت:1402/03/18

50,000 تومان

توضیحات کوتاه


More than a footnote to the Second World War, or a foreword to the youth-obsessed exhilaration of the Sixties, the Fifties was a thrilling decade devoted to newness and freshness. The British people, rebuilding their lives and wardrobes, demanded modern materials, vibrant patterns and exciting prints inspired by scientific discoveries and modern art. Despite the influence of glamorous Paris couture led by Dior, home-grown fashion labels including Horrockses and the young Queen Elizabeth’s couturier Norman Hartnell had an equally great, if not greater impact on British style. This book, written by an assistant curator at the Victoria and Albert Museum, is a fascinating look back to the days when post-war Britain developed a fresh sense of style.

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قیمت 50,000 تومان آخرین به روز رسانی قیمت:1402/03/18

50,000 تومان

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