Jewellery Illustration and Design: Techniques for Achieving Professional Results

نویسنده : Manuela Brambatti

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آماده ارسال

قیمت 130,000 تومان آخرین به روز رسانی قیمت:1401/10/20

130,000 تومان

توضیحات کوتاه


This book analyzes the fundamental aspects of graphically depicting a wide variety of jewelry. The relationships of volume, balance between full and empty, treatment of metal surfaces, warm and cool materials and the relationship between the support and the stone are explained in depth along with ways to illuminate jewelry, treatment of light and chiaroscuro play to add depth. The book begins with simple geometric structures and moves on to explore more complex forms through a range of distortions and multiplications. The goal is not to show finished pieces of jewelry but to provide the tools that will enable readers to acquire a work method that allows them to represent their ideas effectively. From orthogonal and axonometric projections to techniques (watercolor, tempera, ink, mixed technique) and different possible supports, readers will find a source of inspiration for developing their own designs. Rings, tiaras, precious stones, bracelets and chains) are graphically represented in this book as if they were real, along with effects such as depth, gloss and transparency.

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قیمت 130,000 تومان آخرین به روز رسانی قیمت:1401/10/20

130,000 تومان

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