نویسنده : Anette Fischer

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قیمت 20,000 تومان آخرین به روز رسانی قیمت:1401/10/20

20,000 تومان

توضیحات کوتاه


This comprehensive guide explores the fundamental sewing methods fashion designers need and teaches professional garment construction. Chapter One introduces sewing tools and machinery (including industrial machines). It discusses how to work with patterns and explains cutting-out methods. Chapter Two is devoted to different fabrics and how they work, focusing on the construction of a garment, including fastenings and trimmings, and the use of materials to support structured pieces, such as corsets. Hand-sewing techniques and basic seams are explored in Chapter Three. Techniques are demonstrated with step-by-step photographic guides combined with technical drawings. A guide to making garment details and decorations, such as pockets, waistlines, and necklines, is found in Chapter Four. Chapter Five addresses fabric-specific techniques, for everything from lace to neoprene. The best technical approaches to use for patternmaking and construction are discussed for each fabric. Catwalk images demonstrate how these kinds of techniques are employed by designers.

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اولین نفری باشید که دیدگاهی را ارسال می کنید برای “SEWING FOR FASHION DESIGNERS”

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قیمت 20,000 تومان آخرین به روز رسانی قیمت:1401/10/20

20,000 تومان

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